Originally organized as an nuclear engineering firm, under the title of Charlson International, XC Corp has become one of the world's largest, most diversified multinational corporations. Under the astute - some would say, ruthless - management of the new owner and CEO Xander Charlson, XC Corp grew and prospered.

Founded in 1975 by Doctor Brian Charlson, the firm didn't have much growth until Charlson's only son, Xander Charlson came and took over the company. Personal issues caused Dr. Charlson to step down from the company in 2007, and by 2008, the company was re-branded as XC Corporation (or XC Corp, as it is most commonly known) and started to branch out into other industries. XC Corp has various sub-division companies that operate under it, such as:

• XC Technologies: Research and development into weapons, pharmaceuticals, robotics, computer hardware and software (XC Comp), bio-engineering, fertilizer, preservatives, hydroponics, air conditioning, and probably other fields.
• XC Industries: Operates most of utilities, including electricity, gas, oil (XC Oil), water, sewage treatment and waste disposal.
• XC Communications: Phone company, local television stations.
• XC Enterprises: Cash businesses, including hotels (Xanor Hotels in Europe), rented accommodation, restaurants and public transportation.
• XC Financial: Banks, brokerage houses, investment firm (XanCha Investments).
• XC Foundation: Philanthropic enterprises including XC Foundation for the Arts, XC Children's Foundation.
• XC Property Holdings: Hotel and condominum management company.


scroll down for a full list of employees. if interested in employment, please contact here
Xander Charlson president and chief executive officer
Willa Jameson Personal Lawyer to Mr. Charlson
Sarah Rilleux Head Receptionist
TBD Personal Assistant to Mr. Charlson
Molly Patton (Former) senior manager, corporate accounting